Making the most of our new Website

Lone Website
8 April 2019

The Hills and Districts Chamber of Commerce Inc is a Chamber Inc primarily focuses on the needs of it’s Micro and Small Business members.  Many of it’s members are sole traders.  One of the prime objectives of our new Website is to help our members to maximise their digital presence in an affordable way.

Start Up and even established Micro business simply do not have the financial capacity to set up and securely maintain even a simple website.  To that end Members can now use their Chamber profile as way of promoting what they do.  For a modest outlay ($20-$30) they can even buy a domain name and point it to their member profile without having the expense of setting up their own site.  To view an example of this go to: or visit some of our other more creative members.

While your Member Profile will not have all of the features and benefits of a well constructed and maintained website it can go a long way to improving your web presence and SEO.  When combined with active Facebook, Linkedin and other Social Media platforms help to grow you market place exposure.

The site is designed for ‘do it yourself’ access however if you need help feel free to contact the Secretary.

Leonard Whittaker

Leonard Whittaker is the Principal of Action Cycle Learning, an active member of the Chamber he serves on the Cultural Inclusiveness Committees as well as acting as the Chamber's Administrator. He is also achieved the designation of Chamber Lifetime Membership.

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