New Member – Mandy Barker, Message Magnifier

3 November 2021

Hi there!

I’m Mandy Barker, and I’ve only recently joined the Chamber. Thanks so much for having me, and thanks to Susanne Jones for introducing me to the Chamber.

I’ve had a scroll around some of the member news posts and I loved this one by Abe Arends, and thought I would take a minute to do the same.

My business is Message Magnifier; I am a Social Media Manager, with a passion for helping small businesses and solo operators avoid the time-suck of social media. I’m also a Virtual Assistant, taking away the time-suck of many other things.

I’m in my 7th year now and I have had the absolute pleasure of working with some great folks, locally here in Brisbane and Moreton Bay but also interstate and internationally.

My client’s businesses have spanned so many industries from crystal healing to information management, from real estate to CEO coaching and my career prior to this is just as varied and includes State and Federal Government roles.

I have joined Susanne on the Women In Business Committee, I can’t wait to contribute to the aims of this group and hope to meet and connect with many of you at our bi-monthly lunches…blokes are welcome too!

Till then,

Note: The Hills & Districts Chamber of Commerce Inc advises that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this post belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the Chamber, or a committee or other group or individual associated with the Chamber.

Mandy Barker

Mandy Barker is the owner of Message Magnifier, and a member of the Women in Business Committee.

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