Hills Chamber Vision 2022 Workshop

2020 Workshop
19 November 2019

Have your say.

The Hills Chamber is looking forward and developing its vision for the future, as part of our 3-year business planning process. The Executive would value input from members and key community stakeholders to help shape where the Chamber is heading and how we can serve you better.

Help us frame the Chamber’s key priorities, goals and initiatives, so we can continue to grow and successfully serve our members and community.

From the Executive:

The Hills Chamber is preparing a 3-year business plan to outline its vision for the future. On behalf of the Executive, Di Krome from Wildfire Business Consulting is facilitating the development of the plan.

The recent period of rapid growth for the Chamber has prompted an evaluation as to how the Chamber can evolve to best serve its growing and increasingly diverse membership and the broader community, while maintaining its culture of inclusiveness and participation.

Di will be consulting widely with members and we appreciate your participation, input and enthusiasm for this project. Di will be facilitating a Visioning Workshop on 26th November and we encourage you to get involved and have your say. RSVP Here

Di Krome

Di Krome is a Business Coach, Champion for Good Mental Health in the Workplace, Facilitator, Speaker and founder of Wildfire Business Consulting.

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