Submit your ideas for achieving Cultural Inclusivity in the Hills Chamber

Hills Chamber test
3 April 2019

On behalf of the  new Cultural Inclusiveness Committee within the Hills & Districts Chamber of Commerce in Brisbane’s north, I’d like to invite you to submit your ideas on how we can achieve cultural inclusivity within the Chamber.


Whether you’re local business owner from a culturally diverse background, or you’re an existing chamber member, we’re looking for your ideas on how we achieve our ambitious vision for our Chamber to become Queensland’s most culturally-inclusive Chamber of Commerce. We want our local businesses to lead the way in leveraging the cultural diversity that already exists in our region.

In practical terms, this will strengthen our Chamber’s ability to:

  • attract and support emerging talent, entrepreneurs, and investors to our region
  • provide us with greater opportunities for accessing international markets
  • create a powerful sense of welcome for a culturally diverse community.

If you have an idea on how the Hills Chamber can be more culturally inclusive, we’d love to hear from you.

Craig Shim, Chair of the Cultural Inclusiveness Committee


Craig Shim

Craig Shim is the Founder of Alphacrane Intercultural Specialists - a consultancy specialising in cross-cultural communication and business skills, Craig is President of the Chamber and Chair of the Cultural Inclusiveness and Olympics Legacy Committee.

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