The Seniors Committee of The Hills & District Chamber of Commerce Inc in conjunction with the Older Women’s Network (Qld) Mitchelton (OWNQ) have organised a community lunch to celebrate and acknowledge the Senior members of our community.
While Seniors can do almost anything they still need support. To that end the objectives of the lunch are to:
Senior’s Month, October is when all seniors are given the chance to show their achievements to the general community. You do know that Seniors can do ‘almost’ anything.
Get Online Week is an international digital inclusion campaign organised by Good Things Foundation. Last year, over 700 community organisations around Australia held a Get Online Week event, helping people with limited digital skills get more out of life online.
We have organised a Guest speaker, Brian Battersby OAM, Retired Councillor MBRC, Executive member of The Chamber, and active member of our Community to speak on his experiences on Seniors Learning Technology.
We want to extend an invitation to all, but especially to Seniors who feel like meeting other fellow Seniors, to come and enjoy a roast lunch with us.
Note For those of you who are members of The Arana Leagues Club you book the Courtesy bus but book in early as it will be busy with attendees.
If you need help in booking call Judith Heindorff on 0431 159 921 or Leonard Whittaker on 0417 883 688