Dear Chamber members
Thank you for participating in Picabeen’s Annual Christmas Hamper Appeal.
This year we aim to support 110 individuals and families who live in the local north west area.
For the past 6 years we have been collecting donations from local community members for the Christmas hampers, and every year the need for this service has grown.
We anticipate that this year even more families will be feeling the affects of rising costs of living, particularly during the festive time of year when the pressures become even greater.
The hampers we distribute generally contain non-perishable foods including everyday items as well as Christmas treat foods.
Please see enclosed suggested list of items.
We can accept a limited amount of frozen foods – if this is something you would like to do , please label all food with each ingredient and date of preparation.
We often will have toiletry bags to give as well which are donated by Share the Dignity- these are more aimed at women and children so if you wanted to think of Men’s toiletry bags that would be a fabulous addition to our hamper collections (note- we do not include razor blades in toiletry bags) .
For toys, any donation of quality items would be appreciated. We would ask that they are unwrapped so that families can chose what would be appropriate for their children.
The families who access our services, are generally people who are on low incomes and may be experiencing other vulnerabilities such as mental health challenges, homelessness, disabilities and/or domestic violence – thank you for considering Picabeen as your local charity to assist people during this time of year.
Best wishes

Note: The Hills & Districts Chamber of Commerce Inc advises that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this post belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to the Chamber, or a committee or other group or individual associated with the Chamber.