This week we celebrated our Annual Seniors Month lunch and Get Online Week.
Our purpose was to:
Celebrate the great contributions that Seniors have made and continue to make to our community and
To provide technology support and encouragement for Seniors in our community.
We retained the services of some excellent speakers:
- Jo Dickson, from the Bank of Queensland Stafford Branch.
- Richard (Dick) Bennett, from Brisbane Seniors Online
- Di Frey, from Arana Taxation and Chair of the Chamber’s Seniors Committee
Jo Dickson, is a Principal of the Bank of Queensland branch at Stafford has volunteered to share her insights about ways to identify, protect and deal with the ever-present problem of Scams among seniors.
Jo has had a lot of experience in recognising scams, and advising customers on what to be aware of in emails, texts or phone calls. She will be giving us a lot of clues to look for when we receive ‘unknown’ messages.
Jo is an active member of the Chamber
Dick Bennett has been a Mentor for and is the Publicity officer for Brisbane Seniors Online for 18 years
Dick will be speaking about his experiences with Brisbane Seniors Online helping Seniors to become more confident.
Dianne Frey will be speaking about her experience with joining and using the resources associated with the Be Connected Learners Portal
We believe that Seniors have made and continue to make significant contributions to our community and we want to support them.
Seniors are “Social, Community Minded People with plenty of life’s wisdom to share and more to learn.”
This event was sponsored by:
We had 40 registered and 39 attended on the day.
The feedback from the attendees was excellent:
We received 27 feedback responses to our event feedback questionnaires summarised below:
- Did You learn something new at your Get Online Week event?
- 24 responded yes, 1 responded no
- Has the event made you want to learn more about what you can do online?
- 24 responded yes, 1 responded no, 1 responded unsure
- What did you learn today?
- I learned that there was such a thing as Seniors Online in addition to other IT aids for seniors
- How scary it is to be informed about security online and how to protect ourselves
- Scamming online & password strength
- Information on how to avoid scams, information about Seniors Online
- Bank speaker tips
- Online protection strategies
- More about BeConnected, BSOL, and scams generally
- BOQ speaker was
- About scams – different ones
- To be very aware and cautious when online etc
- Scams, classes
- The surge protector, online tech classes & different levels, ist time heard of Be Connected.
- Scams
- Lots mainly about security
- Reinforcing a high level of care with online contact, BSOL talk was informative
- How to check password security
- More about scams – so much going on out there
- A few things
- About BSOL – learned more
- Valuable website, info re scams
- Info on scams excellent, Dick – could listen for ages, Adam – Very interesting
- To stay aware for “hackers” etc. Not tell taxidriver where you are going etc. Only put mobile number on luggage tag
- Turn the phone off every day
- Do you have any feedback you would like to share?
- Switch off phone each night
- The whole session was very informative
- Excellent presentations
- Detail should be better defined for both speakers
- Good to know about surge protector
- Date of birth not year different – identity theft
- I am very grateful for this event and it was fantastic & much appreciated
- Excellent speakers giving me a better understanding and what is vailable
- Thank you for hosting. The third Speaker (Dick Bennett) was excellent. Maybe allocated more time
- Providing handout of Fraud & Scam assistance, Links – Slide 16 – would be useful for all, Checking video links ahead of time so that they could be played would be good, Moreinfo about tricks for avoidance + examples, Food was good.
- More details on using web pages eg My Gov
- Very informative – given in understanding manner
- I am always learning
- Thank you
- Thank you for function
To view some photos go to 2023 Be Connected Lunch Photos