Hi Chamber members,
Just wanted to let you know what your Executive is doing.
Craig Shim (President) and Glen Faulkner (Vice President) attended the July REDS Stakeholder Update on 27th July run by the Economic Development Department, Moreton Bay City Council (MBCC).
The meeting was Chaired by Anne Lawrence (Head of Industry Advancement – MBCC) with updates from Steve Butler (Regional Innovation Coordinator), Natassia Wheeler (General Manager Tourism – MBRIT), Paul Garcia & Kate Henderson (Business Chamber Queensland), Sorita McGrane (CEO – Regional Development Australia) and Renee Gusa (Tourism Engagement & Experience Manager – MBCC).
There are several exciting activities occurring over August which may be of interest to members with a calendar below of key activities. There was also a reminder for businesses to please complete the PULSE Survey for June which closes this Friday and confirmation that Round 1 for REDS Grants for 2023/24 will commence on October 1st. For further information go to https://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/Services/Community-Support/Grants-and-Funding/Regional-Economic-Development-Grant.