Women in Business Valentine’s Day Lunch

Women in Business Valentine's Day Lunch
15 February 2020

What You Missed at the Women in Business Valentine’s Day Lunch –

Yesterday 17 women in business and one male in business met at Little Tree Bake and Brew House, Samford for the Women in Business ‘Valentine’s Day Lunch’.

It was organised by Molly Brumm, Chair of The Hills Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Committee.

Being Valentine’s Day, Margaret Sims, an Executive Member, bought along a fun game for women to play to break the ice. The game was all about matching 10 ‘I love you’ phrases with their nationality. Margaret was totally surprised that not one person pulled out their phone to find the answers on Google. Molly Brumm and Di Krome were the winners getting all 10 right.

We then settled down to food, conversation and mingling within the group.

Three members bought guests with them.

Women in Business Valentine’s Day Lunch

Women in Business Valentine’s Day Lunch

Women in Business Valentine’s Day Lunch

Members attending included – Molly Brumm, Carol Beckx, Li Wang and her guest, Merendi Leverett, Melanie Grevis-James and her guest, Kym Bierenbroodspot, Betsy Mills and her guest, Linda Conyard, Di Krome, Dianne Frey, Rebecca Rostron, Hanneke Raap, Jo Pollard, Leah Hudson, Margaret Sims and Max Matthews.

All agreed that it was a good lunch and a great chance to get to know members of the Chamber that we might not normally have time to meet at the formal Chamber monthly breakfasts and those who have difficulty attending a Tuesday Breakfast meeting.

Women in Business Valentine’s Day Lunch

The next monthly Women in Business Lunch will be on Friday, 24 April, 12.00 – 1.30pm at Sutton’s Beach Pavilion.

It will be followed by our ‘Leading With Compassion : What Women Bring to the Table’ event from 1.30pm – 4.30pm.


The Hills Chamber of Commerce Women in Business
is a monthly lunch meeting for Hills Chamber women in business and men who support women in business. We welcome guests who would like to come along to see/feel/find out if being part of The Hills Chamber of Commerce is something you are looking to be part of.

Margaret Sims

Margaret Sims is a Business Casual Dressing Expert at Stylish Baby Boomers

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