Opportunity Knocks

Last Chance to Advertise in the Chamber Bag
20 May 2019

Dear Chamber Member

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS for you! The Moreton Bay Trade Fair is happening! 5th July 2019 10am-4pm
Good news! The Hills and Districts Chamber of Commerce has been offered  a stall this year at the fair.  To make the most of this opportunity micro businesses are invited to promote their business at this stall.

You have been specifically selected to be a part of this promotion enabling you to showcase your business by including promotional information that will be in the 100 show bags that we will be giving out on the day, and you are also invited to volunteer for a shift at the stall.

To make this a viable concern for the Chamber and for you – we need at least 15 businesses to sign up, plus some volunteers on the day. Please RSVP by the 28th May and indicate if you can give a few hours as well.

Why? The trade stands are $495 and for a micro business this is sometimes a larger investment (both money and time) to do as a solo business. This year the Chamber is providing you the opportunity for adding your promotional information to the show bags.

  1. Ready to join in?
    Firstly, RSVP to this email by Tuesday 28th May if you want to participate,
  2. Please provide only 100 items of promotional information. Nothing bigger than an A4 piece of paper, a promotional product can also be included, and
  3. Roster – indicate you can join in on the day to do a few hours. (see below).

Your investment. The cost to you is just your promotional information and a few hours of your time on the day.

On the day. The stall will be manned by about 9 participating businesses. Ideally we can have 3 people on for shifts: 9.30am (for set up) – 12pm, 11.45am – 2.15pm , 2.00pm – 4.15pm.

Deliver your promotional information to 8 Dover Court, Albany Creek (my home) by Friday 28th June if I am out please leave it by the front door.

I look forward to hearing from you by 28th May.

Kind Regards


Anita Bird – Chair of Membership Committee
Mobile 0412 678 445
19 May 2019

Anita Bird

Anita Bird, with her husband Paul, own and operate Classy Cars & SAAB Automotive, - a mechanical car service centre in Everton Hills. Anita is also the Chair of the Chamber's Membership Committee

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