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REDS Update – 27th July 2023
Hi Chamber members, Just wanted to let you know what your Executive is doing. Craig Shim (President) and Glen Faulkner (Vice President) attended the July REDS Stakeholder Update on 27th July run by the Economic Development Department, Moreton Bay City Council (MBCC)....
Celebrating our Not For Profits
This week's Celebrating or Not for Profits was a great event! Brilliant updates from our featured Not for profit members: Picabeen presented by Jillian Warren Stationery Aid presented by Jan & Allison Schutt SYC presented by Caitlin Radke PCYC Hills District...
2023 Moreton Bay Leaders Forum Business Luncheon – Friday 21st July
The 2023 Moreton Bay Leaders Forum was held on Friday 21st July at Eatons Hill Hotel and was attended by Craig Shim (President), Brian Battersby (Advocacy) and Glen Faulkner (Vice President) from the Chamber along with federal, state and local government...
July 2023 – Eating our way around the Hills
Another evening was spent out and about last night... Eating out way around the Hills! Mai Gai was our choice for the evening and I didn't hear any complaints about the food. Thanks so much to Craig, Di and Marty all for joining me and making it a truly enjoyable...
2023 Twilight Expo a great success!
Our inaugural Twilight Expo was a great success! Thanks to the hard work of Chamber's Seniors Committee: Dianne Frey (Chair), Judith Heindorff, Carolyn Hohnke, and John Goodship
Promoting your organisation through the Chamber
The Chamber does not promote any Chamber Member's initiatives. What the Chamber does is to provide platforms that allow members to promote their own initiatives. These platforms include: The creation of a Member page within the member domain of the Chamber...
The Twilight Expo is coming!
Have you set aside Friday the 26th of May 2023? If not you could be missing out! It is going to be a great event! Exhibitors and supporters include: Arana Hills Knitting for NeedyEnoggera and District Historical SocPeter Dutton MPArana Hills Mens ShedFerny Grove...
Success with our 2023 Seniors Scam Awareness Session!
Our Seniors Scam Awareness session was a great success! An interested group of people enjoyed the warm weather and coffee outside the Arana Leagues Club. It was a very relaxed way of hearing Jo Dickson from BoQ Stafford sharing her knowledge of Scams and how to avoid...
NOTICE: 27 June 2023 Annual General meeting
Hi Chamber Members, Our Annual General Meeting is scheduled for the the 27th of June 2023 An essential part of the meeting is the ratification and election of members of the Chamber Executive. Executive members can join or leave the Executive at any time by vote...